A new podcast series. This series seeks to set in motion the possibilities of the podcast as choreographic form, score and modality, as well as haptic space for glitch and grain.
a sharp prickled growth on flower stems, found on roses.thornsa sharp prickled growth on flower stems, found on roses. proposes to think with the affordances of postdisciplinarity and the choreographicthe choreographic can refer to choreography, and to the writing of dancing bodies, but it can also refer to modes of generating and circumscribing movement that do not register as dance, or as art works.. This series seeks to set in motion the possibilities of the podcast as choreographic form, score and modality, as well as hapticThe sense of touch combined with kinaesthesia and proprioception. Haptics considers how bodies, (human and more-than-human) sense the spaces and objects around them. It emerges from dynamic exchanges with environments, their temperatures, movements, and air currents. space for glitch and grain.
This series privileges prompts over topics, verbs over nouns, soft tissue over hard tech, and phenomenaEvents or things as they are perceivable. over “thing”. Importantly, these are open-ended conversation pieces, experimental dialogues, remote contact-improvisations and conceptual playgrounds, not interviews.
Guest speaker pairings are conceived out of radical associativityAn acknowledgement that we are always already bound in webs of connection that sustain and restrict us. The task is to recognise the flows and withdrawals that move through these ties. , where knowledges and non-knowledges, somatic practices and techniques of living are brought into experimental proximity, constellating themselves through intra-actionThis is a term coined by Karen Barad to rethink connectivity, collaboration and individuation along the way.
As part of the ongoing imagination of the SchoolGathering places for teaching and learning. Also, a school of thought is an idiom that suggests the sharing of traditions of philosophical and intellectual practices. we are compiling a glossary of words that artists are using to refer to the choreographicthe choreographic can refer to choreography, and to the writing of dancing bodies, but it can also refer to modes of generating and circumscribing movement that do not register as dance, or as art works.. Every time we invite people to collaborate with us we also invite them to donate to the glossary, hosted on the website.
This series is produced and edited by Hester Cant.