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Around 1500 CE belonging emerged as an adjective meaning that a thing or person fit (or belonged) in a status, group, or a location.

Be – indicates proximity, attachment, closeness. Longen – to be fitting, or suitable.

Since its first recorded use around 350 CE, belonging has also meant to be quick and easy, or to jump around. It has meant to desire or to be longing for, yearning for, and grieving, pining or being pained by. As a noun, a belonging is property. As a verb belonging has also meant to become long, or tall.

Belonging with: I belong with this place/group/thing. I am partial to, well-settled in, welcome, coherent with this place. I long for it, jump around in it, become tall there and am sometimes pained by it. I might grieve for this place.

Note: it is possible to belong with something that does not belong to you, that you do not own, and that you are not the property of.