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Denise Ferreria da Silva argues for singularity rather than individuality, as a means to articulate specificities within larger plural entanglements. Drawing on a decolonial and anti-racist reading of Western philosophical traditions and on Barad’s queer readings of quantum physics (see intra-action) da Silva poses a problem that, for us, is at the centre of choreographic research – what do we do when we attempt to isolate bodies and forces and rework them whilst simultaneously acknowledging that they are enmeshed in much larger ecological choreographies?

"What if, instead of the Ordered World, we imaged each existant (human and more-than-human) not as separate forms relating through the mediation of forces, but rather as singular expressions of each and every other existant as well as of the entangled whole in/as which they exist?"

Denise Ferreira da Silva, On Difference Without Separability, 2016, p63